Online Educational Resources (OER)

Education resources are used in a learning environment to help and assist with students development and learning. They are designed to reinforce learning and in some cases allow people to put their knowledge to the test. Educational resources are brilliant for both the student and educator to help them improve, provide and receive best quality knowledge.

Examples of these educational resources may include but not limited to:

• Online video from platforms such as YouTube, Khan-Academy, Udemy and Mindset Xtra just to name a few.

• Multimedia [Digital learning resources including video, audio, PDF’s, animations and images].

• Plays and radio programs.

Below are some of the resources we highly recommend that a student at least registers with one of them.  

E-Classroom was the first digital education platform to launch in South Africa in 2011 to provide a wide range of educational resources in response to teachers and parents…continue reading

Mindset is a non-profit organisation formed to improve education. Mindset develops, produces, sources and distributes content in digital format. This content is distributed via  broadcast…continue reading

Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace. We tackle mathematics, science...continue reading

Siyavula Practice is an online Math and Physical Sciences practice service for high school learners. The program provides learners with virtually unlimited questions that progressively…continue reading

Welcome to the National Department of Basic Education’s website. Here you will find information on, amongst others, the curriculum, previous question papers from every province…continue reading

Benefits of these online education resources (OER) include:

  1. You can expand students access to learning: These resources can be accessed anywhere, by any student, at any time. As education has shifted to remote learning in many parts of the world, ensuring ease of accessibility to learning resources is essential for your student. Instead of having to worry about buying a specific textbook or print a handout, students can access this material from any electronic device of their choosing.
  2. You can customize the material to fit your teaching needs: Much of the content includes everything from a source text edition explained, but this content can be modified/revised to suit the specific subject needs, meaning you can easily tailor content to support your curriculum.
  3. You can use OER’s to enhance existing learning material: Since OER’s encompass such a wide variety of materials, they cover a tremendous number of educational topics in a wide range of mode and formats. The sheer variety of these formats can allow multiple modes of representation for key concepts, which supports diverse learning strengths and styles. This aligns with the Universal Design for Learning guidelines which aim to make learning accessible to all students, no matter their learning style.
  4. OER’s are often cutting edge: Textbooks change every year. New discoveries are made. Progress moves forward. For typical academic material, this means rapid turnover, and the continual need to update (often expensive) textbooks and other material. By using OER’s, you will find that scholars and teachers are collaborating on cutting edge topics with innovative practices. Due to the collaborative nature of OER’s, material are continually and expertly updated by a community of dedicated educators.
  5. OER’s save a lot of cash for students: Textbooks are expensive! The typical costs of textbooks for a high-school students cost anywhere from R950 – R1450 per academic year. This cost can be prohibitive for many students. Making a shift to OER’s teaching removes a costly burden from students and may make a crucial difference in their quality of life.

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We are a community based school that seeks to provide our learners with basic curriculum needs and to empower them with knowledge and life skills that will enable them to make a positive contribution to our country.

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