
Our school newsletter brings updates on a regular to students concerning the changes made in the education systems and regulations from reliable news publishers. Some of the posts in the newsletter can be career opportunity posts, how to apply for university and other reasonable posts the could be helpful for the students.

Publish date: 25 Sep 2022 Source: web-administrator

Motswedi secondary school 2022 Heritage day celebration | Preserve our diverse rainbow nation cultures. 

Publish date: 20 Sep 2022 Nov 2021 Source:

How To apply for NSFAS 2023| Prospective university students should start applying ASAP.

Publish date: 15 Sep 2022 Source:

Universities still open for 2023 Applications| Luckily if didn’t apply, now its time.

Publish date: 27 Aug 2022 Source:

10 Steps to Ace your Tests and Exams.

Publish date: 01 Aug 2022 Source:

How to write a motivational letter for bursary/ learnership or internship.

Publish date: 27 Jul 2022 Source:

The National Benchmark Test (NBT) measures your academic readiness for University.

Publish date: 23 Jul 2022 Source:

R47bn in NSFAS funding handed out already | Article by Jehran Naidoo.

Publish date: 18 Nov 2021 Source:

Angie Motshekga briefing on the reopening of schools.

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